Sound Studios
Al -Nazaer is the only choice in the Middle East region to fulfill your professional sound studio needs, Al-Nazaer has built its reputation for maintaining high quality professional audio production for the last 30 years. Al-Nazaer created four audio studios to fulfill different requirements requested by sound engineers and musicians. We provide the best sound mastering engineers to help you create your own audio masters.
Studio A
Studio A is equipped with Hi-Tech recording equipment and more than 400 vs. feet recording area.
The studio offers a facility of a fully automated 96 channels Harrison series 12 analogue console with Geneses monitors. The recording facility includes 64 tracks recording in Pro-Tools 24 Mix Plus with Apogee converters, 48 track Euphonic R1 Multitrack Digital Recorder. The outboard is also equipped with processors Lexicon 480l, Yamaha spx 1000, Ultra Harmonizer H 3000 and valve equalizers. rs.
During the recording sessions we use the best quality microphones from Neuman 149, U87, U89, TLM170, SM69 (stereo), AKG 414 by professional recording engineers.
The studio is also equipped with 2 track mastering machines: Akai DD 1000, Dat recorders of Tascom DA45HR , Fostex D5, Panasonic SV 3800 and disk recorders of marantz cdr 610 and Studer D741, and Studer professional compact cassette recorders.
Studio B
Studio B is equipped with Soundcraft analogue console with Genlec monitors. Customers have the access to use 64 track hard disk recording facility in Pro tools 24 MixPlus with plenty of plug-ins or 24 track recording in A-dat or 24 track recording in Studer 2" open reel tape recorder with Dbx noise reduction. Musicians can also use music equipment like samplers, synthesizers and sound modules.
Studio C
Studio C is a modern music recording and an audio post production studio. It is equipped with Pro-tools 24 MixPlus, "Pro Control” control surface, and 24 track A-dat recording facility. The studio is also equipped with Digital Betacam/ Betacam SP recording and video monitors for synchronized video dubbing and voiceovers.
Studio D
The latest additions to the Al-Nazaer studios.
This studio was exclusively made with the video post production scope in mind. Studio D is equipped with Digi Design's top of the line Pro-Tools HD system that offers superb sound quality through its' integrated production environment.Our Protools - HD is equipped with various Plug-ins, Giga Samplers, Peripherals and extras to suite your complete requirements.